As a general rule, selecting anything on the data visualisation panel will set a new filter for your search. This helps you fine-tune your results according to what you are looking for.
First of all, you can filter by publication date. If you click on a specific time period, the results will be updated and a filter automatically set for that time frame.
The result matches over time give you an overview of the volume of information that the AI has found for the past year. This gives you indications on the popularity of your search subject in time.
The result matches per country give you indications on the countries or areas of the world that are linked to the subject of your search. The darker the shade of blue, the more the topic you are looking into has been raised in that region. Clicking on a country that interests you will set a new filter and refine your search results on that country specifically.
The top companies mentioned will give you an overview of all the companies that have been mentioned for your current search subject. Clilcking on one of these companies will refine your search by setting it as a new filter.
The result matches per industry are a view of the industries related to your search. By selecting one of the industries, you will set a new filter that will focus solely on results linked to the industry you have selected.