The Feeds feature also known as Connect is a feature that will enable you add custom sources onto the platform which will later be processed by AI technology to extract the most relevant insights.
This allows you to further tailor the platform to suit your research needs.
First of all to create your first feed, navigate to the Connect section of your user menu by clicking on the arrow next to your name or by clicking on the widget on your homepage.
From here, you will be redirected to your Feed management page. This page gives you information on the number of Feeds you have created, the number of sources added and the remaining quotas for the month.
Quotas allow you to see how much space your custom sources have been using up on a monthly basis. This capacity is calculated based on the information found within custom source links.
By default, the Feed capacity is set to 10 000 but this may be augmented. To do so, please contact ... to find out more.
To create a new Feed, click on the top left button "+ New Feed". Then create a name for your Feed Project.
Please ensure that this is something you will remember for later. It is recommended to name your projects according to the industry and the type of sources. For instance, you may select a name such as: "Automotive | Competition" or "Wine - Producers".
Feed projects can be renamed if you wish to update them at a later time.
Now that your Feed is created, time to add your sources!
Learn more about setting up sources here.