ReportLinker Blog

Country Insights: Evaluate country conditions and anticipate potential risks

Written by ReportLinker | Dec 7, '2022

When expanding their operations in a new market, companies need to evaluate opportunities, and anticipate potential risks in order to make informed decisions. ReportLinker's models help getting a global overview on the country dynamics.

Use our country insights to keep track of a country's attractiveness on an economic, social and political  point of view:

- Have a global overview thanks to macroeconomic data, encompassing various indicators like GDP, external trade, employment
- Keep track of the Labour Market Risk 
- Evaluate the Political situation and stay current with political risks that could impact your investments
- Anticipate any risks linked to the Social Unrest

Country Insights

Model Description Precision Train Set
Economic Analysis

Macroeconomic data: GDP, external trade, employment...

Ex: ”The U.S. economy shrank nearly 1 percent in the second quarter of this year and by 1.6 percent in the first quarter.”
77.4% 50,000
Labour Market Risk

Risks of shortage of labor, lack of qualification, mismatch between qualifications and labor market needs, labor costs.

Ex: The critical IT skills shortage being felt across the globe is expected to abate by the end of 2023 when the corporate drive to complete digital transformations slows down and there has been time for upskilling and reskilling of existing staff.

97.5% 8,700
Political Instability

Any political risks that can impact investments in the country or the normal functioning of any economic activity (elections, change of policies, referendums, invasions, conflicts, embargo...)

Ex: As Morocco-Algeria tensions escalated in recent weeks, many observers expressed concerns over the potential repercussions of the diplomatic crisis over Morocco's gas market.

98.6% 8,700
Social Unrest

Risk of massive protests that could have an impact on governments and their policies.

Ex: Colombia's inflation was also boosted after anti-government protests and associated road blockades led to shortages in some cities.

92.5% 8,700

We’ve also developed ESG insights and strategic insights to help you evaluate risks.