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Smart Insights, AI-Powered

Welcome to the Enterprise User Guide

Creating an Analysis

In this article, you will learn how to dive deeper in your search results by generating analyses.

An analysis is a great way to have more information on a search. It functions in a similar way to Chat-GPT wherein the user can enter a prompt (the search) and the AI technology will generate results based on that prompt. 

To access this feature, you must first execute a search. From your search results landing page, navigate to the right panel and select the "Analyze" tab. 

As a general rule, you can enter your question in either of the following two formats: free prompts or suggested prompts

         Summary - Free Prompt-1        Summary - Suggested Prompt 2-1

Free prompts are customised questions (free text) that are chosen by the user while suggested prompts are AI recommended prompts based on your search terms (as shown in the example above) which may also be modified to suit your needs.

First, select or write your prompt within the character limit and click on "Generate" to see results. 

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You may generate several searches at once. These results will be added to your daily queue and a notification is sent after the results have been generated and are available to be viewed.  

The analysis may be copied or shared and it is automatically saved for later in your History menu tab at the top of the panel

Summary - Suggested Prompt Star Results-1


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