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Dashboards Error 403

There are different errors that may sometimes appear on the platform. Learn how to quickly navigate and fix those errors.


Error 403 in Dashboards is a common error that occurs if the matrix processing capacity is over the quota limit. 


When trying to create a matrix, you may sometimes encounter the error message "Request failed with status code 403.

Analytics - Error 403

This error message means that the matrix you are trying to create will surpass the allotted number of axes that you may create. 

There are several ways to handle this error. For instance you may try any or all of the following: 

  • Delete any unnecessary matrices that were previously created or that you no longer wish to use. 

Deleting other matrices that are no longer in use modifies your quota allowing you to create further matrices. This also allows the system to have the ability to function better. Remember, less is more.

  • Reduce your search parameters by removing some of the elements on your dimensions.

You may remove some elements of your search such as removing some insights or sectors which allows the software to reduce the processing 

  • Contact us for further assistance. 

The ReportLinker teams are here to help you with your specific cases so you may reach our to us by email or through the chatbot on the platform. 


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